I mentioned in my interview with Andrew Goodman that I'm attending the Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo Toronto 2009 today and tomorrow. I'm throwing down a quick entry with some thoughts about search engine marketing and e-marketing in general, and then we in Raging Storm have a game to play.
I still think they should rename this show the Google Strategies. Yahoo! Canada is exhibiting, as is Microsoft Bing, but it's all about The Google. Over 80% of all Canadian searches now happen in Google. There was much chatter about Adwords and their Quality Score, and how blended search is changing things up on us emarketers.
Everything changes so quickly, yet a few constants remain true. You need good, keyword-rich site content, you need good site and page architecture, and you need quality external links. As complex as it seems, it really is that simple.
I help people and small-to-midsize companies optimize their site for search, and two things I strongly believe were validated by the speakers today.
- Create lots of good content on a consistent basis and you'll grow your lucrative long tail while naturally building inbound links
- Optimize your site for people who use search engines, don't optimize your site for search engines
One day, when I have some free time, I'm going to finish polishing off marketingboon.com and properly launch it. One day...