Google has been my search engine of choice for most of this decade. Before that, I used Yahoo!. I don't believe I've ever used a Microsoft search engine for non-work purposes.
Microsoft has never got search right. They keep trying, bless their little hearts, and every few years we get a Microsoft search re-branding as they launch their latest Google-killer. This time, it's Bing.
It's live right now at bing.com. Go ahead and pay a visit while curiosity gets the better of you, it's unlikely you'll ever go back. As Google-killers go, this is pretty underwhelming.
If you're one of the 0.35% who used Live.com for searching the web (note: figure completely made up for comedic purposes), I have bad news for you. Bing is the new Live Search, which was the new Windows Live Search, which was the new MSN Search.
I'll let you know next month how many visitors came here from Bing. Personally, I preferred the codename Kumo. Microsoft couldn't even get that right.