You have homework. My buddy Fred wants to bring Kiss to Peterborough. In his words:
Kiss is holding an on-line contest that will determine 40 dates on their upcoming tour and the way its set up, absolutely any town, village or hamlet in North America could host a concert.
It's being done on a per-capita basis. In other words, one vote out of Peterborough could be worth a thousand out of Toronto.
Voting for Peterborough requires going to this site and voting for the city, but I think I've found an easier way. I think they're tabulating scores based on visits to the unique landing page set up for each town, village or hamlet. I think you can actually cast a vote for Peterborough by simply clicking this link.
Pay a quick visit to http://eventful.com/demand/kiss-/D0-001-003042945-0/join and help a bugger out. Even though I once labelled this band the most overrated ever.