My wife had to make an emergency trip out west, so I was forced into Mr. Mom action. The weekend was fine, but yesterday was the first day I was solely responsible for the kids on a school day.
There was a drop off time and place for James, another for Michelle, a pick up time and place for Michelle, then lunch pick up for James, then James had to be taken back and picked up again at the end of the day. Meanwhile, there was a swimming lesson for Michelle in the afternoon and at the end of the day a Beavers tobogganing night at Rennie Park. (Dan Duran, by the way, makes an excellent hot chocolate with just the right amount of marshmallows and whipped cream.) By the time I got our soaking bodies home around 8:40, I was exhausted.
Don't get me started on the wardrobe and meal preparation duties. I mean, I'm responsible for three meals a day! And James lost a tooth and Michelle had a bad dream and I was trying to work from home... Not to mention the dog and all of that stuff I've happily ignored for 13 years.
I guess what I'm trying to say here, is thanks to my awesome wife for keeping me blissfully ignorant all these years. I can't wait to go into the office tomorrow. It sure beats working for a living.