Today is January 24. I took James to hockey, it was team picture day, and now I'm chilling with Michelle watching Chicken Little. Later today, the extended family drops by for James' birthday party. I hear there will be pizza and cake. Today is a good day.
I've taken note of the date January 24 ever since I wrote this entry four years ago today. Cliff Arnall of Cardiff University in Wales determined January 24 was the most depressing day of the year.
His formula reads: 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ divided by MxNA, where W is the weather, D is your debt (and small d is the amount of money you'll get on your next payday), T is elapsed time since Christmas, and Q the length of time since you abandoned a New Year's resolution or other self-improvement plan. M is a sort of all-purpose category for motivation levels. NA is the necessary action for making your life better.
That's some pretty convincing mathematics. I learnt long ago not to argue with 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ divided by MxNA.
It's time to resurrect an old Irish blessing my Grandmother would appreciate. These things I warmly wish for you: someone to love, some work to do, a bit o' sun, a bit o' cheer, and a guardian angel always near.
Keep your chin up!