With Ricardo Montalban's passing yesterday, I was reminded of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan.
My father took me to see Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan at the old Runnymede Theatre back in 1982. Quick math tells me I was either 7 or 8 years old, depending upon how long the film was in theatres before I saw it. This movie is the only movie that freaked me out to a point where I actually had to leave the theatre.
Wikipedia says Khan "implants Chekov and Terrell with indigenous, mind-controlling eels that enter the ears of their victims, and uses the officers to gain control of the Reliant." I'd say the creepiest slugs I'd ever seen were crawling into dudes' ears and I was so damn sure I could suffer the same fate.
My mom tells me I would have nightmares about slugs, something I don't recall, and I never connected those nightmares with The Wrath of Khan until today. Ricardo Montalban ruined my childhood.