Toronto Mike

Winnipeg Jets Mulligan


I sometimes wonder what the poor Winnipeg Jets might have done had they not shared a division with the mighty Edmonton Oilers of the 1980s.  The Jets were always an exciting team, and very likable.  In 1996, Jets fans were dealt the worst blow imaginable when they saw their team pack up and head south for Phoenix.

Every day it seems there's another article about how bad things are in Phoenix for the Coyotes.  Here's one such article from David Shoalts in the Globe and Mail.

"I don't know how they can sustain the losses," one former governor said."The team loses so much money you can't sell it. If I were offered the team for a dollar, I'd say no because you can't fix it."

Let's face it, hockey doesn't work in Phoenix.  It's also not working in Florida, Nashville or Atlanta.  It worked in Winnipeg, however, where we're born and bred to worship the sport.  The fact Phoenix has Winnipeg's franchise is sinful, and this wrong needs to be righted.

Let's call a mulligan and move the Coyotes back to Winnipeg where they belong.  Bring back the Jets.

Winnipeg Jets
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