Now that SLS20 is in the bag, it's time to deconstruct the 20 tunes that made the final cut. How much of SLS20 is CanCon? How many artists are making their first appearance on SLS? Find out the answers to these questions and more below.
- Canadian Content - 8 (Billy Talent, Brendan Canning, Metric, Sam Roberts, Stars, Tokyo Police Club, USS, Wintersleep)
- Making Their SLS Debut - 6 (Brendan Canning, Kings of Leon, M.I.A., One Day as a Lion, The Verve, Wintersleep)
- Artists That Also Appeared On SLS19 - 7 (Death Cab For Cutie, Foo Fighters, MGMT, Sam Roberts, Tokyo Police Club, USS, Weezer)
- Providing a Female Voice - 3 (M.I.A., Metric, Stars)
- Longest Current SLS Streak - 3 (Foo Fighters)
- Longest SLS Drought Ended - 12 (Coldplay)