My personal MP3 player of choice is the iPod Touch. iPods don't commit suicide, at least they don't en masse.
There's word at this hour that 30GB Zunes are killing themselves in droves.
The internet is awash with reports that the 30GB Zune is committing suicide across the planet. Not just one of them, either. It seems that some weird bug is simultaneously killing the music players, like lemmings leaping from a cliff.
Speculation is of course centered around the timing. It is New Year's Eve, after all, and the conspiracy nuts are calling this Z2K (with or without a +9 at the end). Our own NYC Bureau Chief John C Abell prefers the idea that it is "Brilliant Microsoft DRM Technology", which would be the most hilarious explanation.
Let me get this straight. Apple owns this marketplace, but it's a big marketplace, and competition is good for everyone. I myself own an iRiver which still works great while getting FM stations and recording voice to MP3. Microsoft, however, would have to give me a Zune to get me to use one, and even a free Zune that freezes up for no good reason without explanation isn't worth the frustration.
Does anyone out there actually own a Zune?