When Twitter first took off, I was sceptical. I didn't think it would make it, but I kept my good eye on it to see if it would fizzle out or reach the mainstream. I think it's now safe to say that Twitter has gone mainstream.
I don't have an interest in Twitter as a status tool, although I see the allure, I'm more interested in Twitter as an RSS feed alternative. Not in terms of reading RSS feeds, but in terms of publishing. Would people follow a Twitter feed as a means of following a blog like this one?
I found twitterfeed which promises to feed your blog to Twitter. You create an account, enter your Twitter account info and the RSS feed of your blog. The RSS feed for this blog is http://feeds2.feedburner.com/TorontoMike and my new Twitter account can be found at http://twitter.com/torontomike.
And so begins my little social experiment. Will people follow a blog with Twitter? If you'd like to be a guinea pig, start following http://twitter.com/torontomike and tell me how it goes...