We got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas last year. Well, in reality, James got a Nintendo Wii. He's been hogging the thing, occasionally throwing his old man a bone by letting me take him on in Wii Sports baseball or tennis.
This weekend, I reclaimed the Wii. Follow these three steps and you too can take back the Wii.
Step One: Cough Up a Little Cash
Assuming your Wii is on your wifi network, and if it's not it really should be, visit the Wii Shop from the main menu and go to WiiWare. For $10 US, you can buy 1000 credits. This will be the best $10 you ever spend. Whip out the credit card and cough up the coin.
Step Two: Download a Browser
For 500 credits, you can download an Opera web browser for your Wii. Do it. You'll be sharing YouTube videos with everyone on the television, browsing Flickr pics, checking the news and getting more personalized content on demand. Your Wii is already on the net, it's time to bring down the web.
Step Three: Go 8-Bit
This third and final step is the most important one of all. The quickest and most powerful way to reclaim your Nintendo Wii is to make it your old 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. There are many retro games available in WiiWare, and this weekend I downloaded Ice Hockey for 500 credits. Ice Hockey is making me very, very happy and 15 years old again.
Now that I have Ice Hockey back (and it's exactly as I remember it, which is a good thing) I just need to score RBI Baseball.
I've got my Nintendo back!