My comp slo-pitch team, Raging Storm, is doing okay. We just split a double header and we're 5-4 on the season.
The struggles are with my other team, my beer league team. How do I put this nicely... we're not a very good offensively and we're horrible defensively. We're 0-3 on the season and we're playing a team tonight that trounced us in week #2. These Piranhas of mine don't live up to their moniker. We're more like minnows right now.
I'm thinking we need a fight song. A number of guys on this team and all the girls are playing organized baseball for the first time. I'm doing an awful lot of coaching 101, teaching them about tagging up and overrunning first and fundamental stuff like that. The problem is we get down early and lose hope. We need a song that will inspire and teach us to believe in ourselves. I think we need The Corey.
The Corey is Corey Hart, the Montrealer who first struck it big with "Sunglasses at Night". His second album, Boy in the Box, was one of my favourite cassette tapes back in 1985. The big hit was "Never Surrender", and in my humble opinion, it's a highly underrated songs of inspiration and hope. We need "Never Surrender".
And when the night is cold and dark
You can see, you can see light
Cause no-one can take away your right
To fight and never surrender, to never surrender
I'm ready. It's time for franchise win #1.