I've attended school holiday pageants and Beaver banquets, but until today I had never been to a recital featuring one of my children. That all changed when at 2pm the curtains opened and Michelle's ballet class performed their recital.
When your child is on the stage, you're stricken with tunnel vision. I understand there were ten little girls up there, but I could only focus on one. You study every move she makes, take delight in every jump and every turn. And Lord have mercy it's a severe case of cuteness overload. In my incredibly biased opinion, it don't get much cuter than that.
There were 14 acts, and my daughter starred in the first one. That left me with 13 ballet skits to endure, without a vested interest. They trick you into staying by closing out with all participants on the stage, so you wait it out in order to gain another glimpse of your little starlet. Very clever...
It was awesome. Love rocks.