Last season, I managed my slo-pitch team for the first time. It's a lot more work than you'd realize, but it was also a lot of fun and we ended up winning our division and graduating into the comp division, the highest level of play in the RSPA.
This season, I'm still managing Raging Storm, but I've taken on a new challenge. I've put together and entered a brand new team into an Etobicoke recreational softball league. We're calling ourselves the Piranhas and we just finished our first practice. Our first game is scheduled for next Thursday.
I'm now responsible for the admin and on-field management of two teams at opposite ends of the competitive spectrum. One team's in comp, one team is in a beer league and never the two shall meet.
Raging Storm would kick the Piranha's ass, but the jury's still out on which team would have more fun. Either way, Cito deserves all the credit and none of the blame.