Toronto Mike

A Child's First F Bomb


James had something he wanted to tell me tonight.  "I know what the f-word is," he said.

For a moment I thought maybe he knew another f-word.  He's only six years old and still in senior kindergarten, so how could he know the f-word?  I asked him what the f-word was.

That's when, in his sweet, innocent voice, he dropped the f-bomb.  A kid in his class unveiled the word to a group of them today, and James knew he possessed a word with power.

I nodded my head, confirmed that he had indeed stumbled upon the f-word, and left him with one final order.  "Don't use that word."

I know, it's weak, but it was the best I had.  I didn't see this coming.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.