I'm always fascinated by how few blog visitors actually contribute with a comment. This blog has a small handful of regulars who leave comments, and some of these regulars have blogs of their own. I've been to Jill's blog, Roshan's blog, Al's blog, James' blog and Jason's blog and I had a role creating Humble's blog, Freddie's blog and Buffalo Boy's blog. The fact is, the vast majority of blog readers don't leave comments and the vast majority of commenters don't have blogs of their own.
One regular commenter is SoccerMom. Her comments are typically pretty funny and sometimes more entertaining than the entry itself. She just sent me this note:
Hey Mike, I am very inspired by you and hh and freddie and all the other bloggers out there, so I started my own little write it down site.
I'll be checking it out. In fact, I've already subscribed to SoccerMom's RSS feed.
Who's next to jump into the blogosphere?