Toronto Mike

Second Harvest and Lunch Money Day


Jordan is a member of my slo-pitch team Raging Storm and a socially conscious citizen of the world.  When Kic got angry at the ump for calling a game at six innings with 18 minutes on the clock, he threw an empty bottle of Gatorade on the field of SkyDome.  Seconds later, Jordan was out there to pick it up.  That's how she rolls.

Jordan works for Second Harvest who provide food to 250 social service programs in the Greater Toronto Area.  Their big fund raising day is something they call Lunch Money Day and it takes place on February 21, 2008.  On this day they ask Torontonians to donate the money they would have spent on their lunch to Second Harvest to help them feed the thousands of men, women and children who depend on their services.

I wanted to give you all a head's up about this before my dodgeball game tonight, because she'll be there and I promised her at the dome that I'd spread the word about Lunch Money Day.  I encourage companies and schools to register online at and run a campaign for this great cause.  The campaigns can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it.  Ideas range from bake sales and karaoke contests at schools, to a dress down day, company sponsored lunch or even a week long email bingo game at work.  Second Harvest will provide all participants with the materials they need to run their campaign.  Again, there's more info at

$5 will provide our less fortunate with 10 meals.  I'll remind you all about Lunch Money Day on the big day, but I wanted to give you a chance to spread the love beforehand.

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About Toronto Mike
I own TMDS and host Toronto MIke'd. Become a Patron.