I remember when we launched the Smells Like Sour website. Mark and I were quite enthusiastic. Smells Like Sour, or SLS if you prefer, was our Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. If we dug a tune, it was SLS-worthy and this site would act as a tremendous forum where people could openly debate what song was or wasn't up to snuff.
The site is quite popular, and there's lots of traffic and discussions, but neither Mark nor I have the time or interest in maintaining it. That doesn't mean SLS is dead, it just means the official SLS site has been running on auto-pilot for a while now and will probably do so for a while longer. We didn't even add a page for SLS18 which was unveiled a few weeks ago.
Most of you don't know or care about SLS, but I still believe in the SLS spirit and I've been using this blog to keep her going. Here are my SLS links of importance.
- All SLS-related entries
- Every SLS song, ever (and completely updated!)
- The SLS Guide, or everything you ever wanted to know about SLS but were afraid to ask
SLS ain't dead, it's just camping out here for a while until its parents get their shit together.