Am I really the proud father of a six year old? Time flies when you're having fun, and James has made these past six years more fun than a barrel of monkeys at Monster Jam.
It's fitting James turns six on the day of the NFL playoffs because I was preparing to watch the Rams and Packers when I got the call to haul my ass to Women's College Hospital. It was January 20, 2002, and I had no idea what to expect from fatherhood. I've since learnt it's essentially one mind-blowing moment after another and that I have the greatest son on the planet.
<parentalgush>James is bright, inquisitive, sweet, a good brother, an amazing son, full of spirit with passion in the belly. He's naturally kind and generous, careful never to hurt a fly and a very hard worker. In other words, James is all the best parts of his parents in one adorable package. He's already a far cooler dude than his old man and I love him to death.</parentalgush>
Here's the best of James' first six years. Happy 6th Birthday, son!