The juxtaposition is jarring. Tonight I watched my three year old daughter perform a ballet routine. Watching three year olds dance ballet is just about the cutest thing on the face of the earth. With every twirl and every step I beamed with pride. Then, my thoughts turned to Aqsa Parvez.
Aqsa is the 16-year old Mississauga girl allegedly murdered by her father. Reports suggest Aqsa's father was upset she shunned the hijab, a traditional shoulder-length head scarf worn by females in devout Muslim families.
I've never given Michelle a spanking. I've never spanked James, either. I can't imagine what would make a father so angry he'd attack his 16-year old daughter and kill her. I can't comprehend how such a thing could happen. Aqsa never had a chance.
Our children rely on us, look up to us, depend on us. Our duty is to give them every opportunity in this lifetime. We're their advocates, protectors and guides. The Aqsa Parvez tragedy dumbfounds me and saddens me.
I just don't get it...