Getting slammed by the Phoenix Coyotes last night has me feeling sad. There's no other word to describe it. It was only one game, but it seemed to symbolize a great deal more. My hockey team, the franchise I've rooted for my entire life, sucks.
This morning, when I sat down to recap last night's game, something I've done after every game since the 2002 season, it ended up a eulogy. I eulogized the Maple Leafs' 2007/2008 season, because I no longer have hope we can squeak into the playoffs this year. We're not just bad, we're pretty awful. Here's proof:
- No team in the NHL has less wins
- No team in the NHL has played more games
- No team in the NHL has allowed more goals against
- Jason Blake is on pace for 7 goals
- Only Mats Sundin appears to be better than average
- There are no blue chip prospects in the system
- There are two back-up goaltenders and no bona fide proven starter
- Wellwood has no assists, Tucker has only two goals, Bell is still looking for his first, Steen and Stajan appear to be regressing, etc.
If that described your team, wouldn't you feel sad? I fear things will get worse before they get better, and I fear I'll start hoping the losses pile up until dramatic changes are made. John Ferguson wasn't a proven GM when we hired him, and all he's proven in Toronto is that he doesn't deserve the title he's currently holding. He has to go.
I don't remember the last time I felt this down on this team. I'm hoping we trade Mats before the deadline, for his sake and ours. I'm hoping we have other assets we can dish unto others and that we're able to lure the hockey equivalent of Bryan Colangelo. I'm hopeful we give this new GM autonomy and this sadness subsides.
These are dark days in Leafs nation. Lord, give me strength.