While in Arizona, my wife bought our three year old daughter Michelle a new tube of Hello Kitty toothpaste. It was sort of minty, and Michelle hated it. When it comes to toothpaste, she prefers a bubblegum flavour.
Here in Toronto, my wife bought her a new tube of Dora toothpaste. This was a fruity bubblegum flavour, but Michelle won't use it. Every night is a battle as she begs and pleads for a plain bubblegum flavour, but not just any plain bubblegum flavour. She wants the plain bubblegum flavour with Cinderella on the cover.
Before giving up, we tried to get her to use James' toothpaste, which is a fruity bubblegum flavour with Sponge Bob Squarepants on the cover. That didn't go over very well. Michelle, in so many words, demanded a plain bubblegum flavoured toothpaste with Cinderella on the tube. So today we went to Shopper's Drug Mart and got her the toothpaste she demanded.
Now we have two kids and four different tubes of toothpaste, all either full or nearly full. If you need kids toothpaste, give me a shout and we'll make a deal.