On the fifteenth anniversary of our first World Series title, I'm feeling awfully nostalgic. I just shared the story of how I spent that night, and now it's time to share some audio and video from a historic night in Toronto baseball history.
First, we must never forget the call nobody heard. Here's Tom Cheek calling the Otis Nixon bunt to Mike Timlin, who is actually participating in another World Series as I type. "Pitch on the way ... and it's a bunted ball, first base side, Timlin to Carter ... and the Blue Jays win it! The Blue Jays win it! The Blue Jays are World Series Champions!"
This video montage came from the video cassette we all owned. It's the cheesiest music you'll ever hear, but you see Devo's catch, Robbie's tomahawk chop, Winfield's double and the historic final out.