By the end of the first period of our first game, the player I love to hate had two goals. That put him on pace for 492 goals this season. Even now he's on pace for a whopping 164 goals.
As for the game itself, should we be surprised the Sens caught us and beat us? When my brothers and I hook up to watch a game, you can bet the farm against a blue and white victory. When I get a free moment I'm going to delve into the archives and see if I can't attach a metric to this Boon Bros losing streak.
We'll get 'em tonight with Vesa between the pipes.
Current Record Last GamesSeason Leaders0-0-1
1 point
3rd in Northeast4-3 Loss vs. OttawaN. Antropov - 2
M. Sundin - 2
A. Wozniewski - 2