Where did the last twelve hours go?
Oh yeah, I had my 10k running clinic at 9:15 and we ran 8k along the lake shore. On a clear sunny day like today, you can't imagine how awesome that was.
Then I raced over to a friends house to help her move. Actually, it's Taryn's friend I helped move, but the word is out I'm a good mover and now I'm screwed. Good dependable movers are as valuable as an honest mechanic. I blitzed the heavy lifting from 10:30 to about noon.
Then, we were due at Walter and Audrey's house for 1:00. A quick shower and trip to the LCBO later, we were there at the stroke of one. The highlight of this most excellent visit was Walter's pond which is remarkable. Words won't do it justice, so I'm sharing a picture of the kids feeding the fish below and you can see more in this photoset.
We're back, the kids are beat and I'm thinking a movie is just what the doctor ordered to close this blur of a day. I'd better get a little rest. Tomorrow we're taking over The Ex.