Although I almost never write about it, every Thursday night through each of the last several summers I've played in a recreational slo-pitch league I refer to as "The Beer League". Remember that scene from The Simpsons when Chief Wiggums is being told when to take a drink during the ball game and he pipes up "Hey, I know how to play softball?" That's a fairly accurate description.
Not only is beer consumed during games in this league, but many members of the team actually work for The Beer Store. Coolers full of beer are as necessary as bases, bats and gloves. On some Thursday nights I'm the only member of the team who doesn't partake, teetotaler that I am. I'm also one of the few who plays each game like it matters and actually cares if we win. As hard as it is to believe, others in The Beer League are out on a Thursday night to have fun. Perish the thought.
Tonight was the finals and we came up short, finishing second. That sounds pretty okay until you realize there were only four teams in the league. It may not be as competitive as another league I play in, but I'll still miss it. In this league I'm an all-star shortstop and RBI leader.
Maybe instead of The Beer League we should call it The Bizarro League.