Now that ball is done for the winter, running is my only exercise of the week. My plan is to complete this 10k clinic and then do Running Room club runs throughout the winter. Then, in February or whenever it's scheduled, I'll join the half marathon clinic at the High Park Running Room.
Last week I shopped around for some cooler weather running gear. I priced pants and long sleeved shirts at the Running Room, Sportschek and a few shops in Square One before I found some pretty good deals on non-cotton stuff at Winners. I've never run in winter before, and I understand the trick is lots of layering. Here's hoping we get another mild winter like last year.
Here are the runs I fit in over the past seven days:
- Saturday - 11k run
- Sunday - 6k run
- Tuesday - 6k run
- Wednesday - 5k run w/ 6 hills