I learnt a valuable lesson last night. With my ball game scheduled for 9:30pm, I decided to run hills with the 10k clinic at 6:30pm. We run the 2k loop in High Park and then the steep Spring Road hill five times before running the 2k loop again and heading for home. I felt fine afterwards, but during the ball game my calve muscles kept tightening up. Leading off the game I hit a single up the middle and literally stumbled on my way to first because my calve muscle seized up and hurt like hell the rest of the game. Hills + baseball = bad idea.
The Terry Fox Run became a walk which meant last week was a lighter load than usual. Now I'm back on schedule, training for the Zoo 10k race on October 13.
Here are the runs I fit in over the past seven days:
- Saturday - 10k run
- Sunday - 4.5k Terry Fox Run
- Wednesday - 5k run w/ 5 hills