I loved Back to the Future. Scratch that, I love Back to the Future. It's as good today as it was when I first saw it back in '85. Whether I'm watching it 22 years ago or today, I take serious issue with the portrayal of cereal in this otherwise fine film.
When they show George McFly at his weakest and nerdiest, he's always eating cereal. The insecure McFly would shovel the cereal into his mouth whereas the confident McFly would eat a "proper" meal. Cereal is treated as a food for nerds. It appears very uncool and I have a big problem with that.
I love cereal. I could eat cereal for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Heck, I could do all three in the same day. We have proper dinners now as we set an example for the kids, but prior to their arrival I would sometimes do just that. If I wanted a big bowl of Rice Krispies for dinner, dammit, I'd do it and I'd love it.
George McFly had issues, no doubt about it, but his decision to enjoy cereal at dinner time wasn't one of them. That choice took balls, and for that, I applaud and respect the man.