It's hard to believe an entire decade has elapsed since Princess Diana's death. I remember that night well.
Taryn and I were watching the coverage of her car crash on tv in the bachelor apartment we were renting at Charles Street and Yonge. I fully appreciated the significance of the event, but I wasn't much of a royal family fan, or a Diana fan for that matter. Taryn, however, was, and she had to leave for a midnight shift working security for a chocolate factory. It's true, for a couple of years while I was working at Food City as a grocery clerk Taryn worked two 12-hour midnight shifts each weekend monitoring a Nestle plant on Sterling Road. But I digress...
I stayed tuned to the coverage as the reporters speculated as to whether Diana had survived or not. I remember hearing the announcement that she had passed at which time I called Taryn to tell her the sad news. I remember Taryn being really upset and then moments later my mom calling to share her shock.
Without a doubt, it was an iconic event. I may not have been a Di watcher, but I recognized her as the most photographed woman in the world and I was sure to keep a copy of the next morning's paper.