Twenty weeks ago, I showed up at a Learn to Run clinic at my local Running Room. After ten weeks of learning to run, and now ten weeks of training for a 5k, I start a 10k clinic on Saturday. This 10k clinic is being instructed by Mike and Ale, the same dynamic duo who ran my Learn to Run clinic twenty weeks ago.
I'll miss my target three days of running this week, but that's okay because I have a race on Sunday. Tonight I ran 6k, but it was my first run since Sunday morning. It was a slick 6k around Grenadier Pond that ended with some hills up to Bloor Street. I'm ready for Whitby on Sunday morning where I should destroy my Hazel 5k time of 27:50.
My goal is to run a marathon. It's a long road to the finish line, but I'm right on schedule. Hallelujah.