I usually check my RSS feeds first thing in the morning, to take the pulse of the blogosphere. Today I'm behind schedule and I'm only getting caught up now. There's an entry on Freddie P's blog that really spoke to me.
Fred has forwarded my official Toronto Mike Maple Leafs Countdown clock to the NHL offices in New York to show them what Canadian devotion to hockey is all about. He and I are equally pissed about the lack of respect Bettman shows Canadian NHL fans. I suspect Bettman would rather a team die in the Nevada desert than flourish in Southern Ontario.
I met Fred through my buddy Humble Howard and it was clear from the get-go that he was full of good content but lacked the web infrastructure to support it. I sold him on a true blog powered by Movable Type and today he's got permalinks, an RSS feed, monthly and category archives and you can even leave a comment or two. torontomike.com has really taken off and I was just happy to be a part of it.
As for Humble, I sold him on the blog thing first, and he's still tickling the funny bone at HumbleHoward.com. I might even be making a big Humble Howard announcement soon so stay tuned.
And Bettman, assuming you got Freddie P's email and linked on over to this blog, Canada is hockey and hockey is Canada. Never, ever forget that.