I was just reminded that Live Earth is taking place this weekend. I'm just not feeling it. I think I'm suffering from benefit concert fatigue.
After 9/11 there were a few big benefit concerts, then we had SARSstock, the tsunami, and then Live 8 which was sort of a Live Aid redux. I was down with Live 8 because I dug the line up. Neil Young, Our Lady Peace, The Hip, Gordon Lightfoot, BNL, it was fantastic. Just this past weekend I think they had a benefit concert for Princess Di, but I totally missed every second of it.
Al Gore says Live Earth is to mark "the beginning of a three year campaign worldwide to deliver information about how we solve the climate crisis". I'm totally down with the cause. In fact, I've been making fundamental changes in the way I live my life just to please Mother Earth. I dig the planet, I just don't care about the concerts.
Reviewing the confirmed performers, I'm not overly impressed. I see the Beastie Boys and Foo Fighers are in London, but so is Madonna and the Pussycat Dolls. I'll pass, thanks.
I'm all benefit concerted out and I don't need the Black Eyed Peas to remind me we're poisoning the planet.