If you grew up in Toronto, you remember the TTC Student Cards. You had to show this card when you paid student fare to ride the TTC. Every fall the TTC would come to our school and take our picture. That's where the trouble began.
In typical dumb ass teenage fashion, I couldn't just sign my card "Mike Boon". I had to be some sort of misfit rebel and use a fake name. Did I write in Mike Tyson or Michael Jordon or I.P. Frehley? No, I went ahead and used the name of our Minister of Finance, Michael Wilson. That's right, I used the name of a Brian Mulroney appointed Federal minister.
The most pathetic part of this story is the fact I got busted and had to go to Sherbourne station to get a new card. As pathetic as this all sounds, there is a good moral for you kids at home. If you're going to use a fake name, don't geek out and go political. Stick to the staples and make the risk worthwhile. That's one to grow on.