I recently wrote about being contacted by the Deputy District Attorney for Clark County in Las Vegas regarding the State v. Greg Chao. You can click that link for information on the sensational case. They wanted to talk to Toronto Mike and that's how I got involved. I was subsequently contacted by the defence who advised me my name was on the witness list.
Bob Idiens, Donald's youngest son, left the following comment early this morning.
As you may guess by my last name, I'm Don's youngest son. In case you don't already know, Greg Chao was convicted, and sentenced to life in prison without parole. My mom was at the trial, and said something about the possibility of him applying to serve his sentence in Canada. If this went through, Canada's life sentence comes with chance of parole after 20 years. Since he's already served 9 years (7 while waiting to be extradited and another 2 awaiting trial) he would be elligible for parole in just 11 years. Here's for hoping he rots in prison for the rest of his life, after which he can rot in hell.