Thanks to The Goalie Archive, I am pleased to provide you with a list of every goaltender in Toronto Maple Leafs history.
Here are all 75 players to play net for the Leafs, in alphabetical order.
- Jean-Sebastien Aubin
- Tom Barrasso
- Baz Bastien
- Don Beaupre
- Ed Belfour
- Gord Bell
- Tim Bernhardt
- Allan Bester
- Paul-Emile Bibeault
- Johnny Bower
- Turk Broda
- Sebastien Centomo
- Lorne Chabot
- Ed Chadwick
- Gerry Cheevers
- King Clancy
- Charlie Conacher
- Marcel Cousineau
- Jiri Crha
- Bruce Dowie
- Don Edwards
- Marv Edwards
- Doug Favell
- Grant Fuhr
- Bruce Gamble
- Benny Grant
- George Hainsworth
- Pierre Hamel
- Paul Harrison
- Glenn Healy
- Red Horner
- Peter Ing
- Joe Ironstone
- Ed Johnston
- Curtis Joseph
- Trevor Kidd
- Mark Laforest
- Michel Larocque
- Alex Levinsky
- Ron Low
- Harry Lumley
- Cesare Maniago
- Jean Marois
- Gilles Mayer
- Frank McCool
- Murray McLachlan
- Gerry McNamara
- Gord McRae
- Mike Palmateer
- Bernard Parent
- Bob Parent
- Jacques Plante
- Felix Potvin
- Daren Puppa
- Andrew Raycroft
- Jeff Reese
- Damian Rhodes
- Curt Ridley
- John Ross Roach
- Al Rollins
- Jim Rutherford
- Terry Sawchuk
- Corey Schwab
- Don Simmons
- Al Smith
- Gary Smith
- Rick St.Croix
- Phil Stein
- Mikhael Tellqvist
- Wayne Thomas
- Vincent Tremblay
- Rick Wamsley
- Dunc Wilson
- Ross Wilson
- Ken Wregget