You've probably caught wind of the controversy surrounding the Toronto Blue Jays commercial featuring Frank Thomas. Thomas uses his strength to annihilate a kid with a pillow. The Television Bureau of Canada, the watchdog that approves TV commercials for private broadcasters, found the ad too aggressive and demanded an edit.
I've seen the ad several times and I'm posting it at the end of this entry so you can see it too. We as a society need to take a collective chill pill. It's a funny spot that in no way appears to condone child abuse. As one who regularly beats his kids with a pillow, I feel I'm an authority on the subject.
This is currently the preferred Daddy activity in my home. Michelle and James beg me to "fight" them. This typically means a massive pillow fight on my bed and I, like Frank Thomas, have little mercy. We have well-defined rules of engagement that Thomas clearly followed in the ad. No hits to the head or nether regions. Everything else with the pillow is permitted.
If we can't beat our kids with pillows, the terrorists have already won.