Bob Clark and his son were killed by a drunk driver yesterday. In my lifetime I've seen three of his films, and they represent the three Bob Clark's I know.
The first Bob Clark movie I ever saw was "A Christmas Story", which he made in 1983. In 2003 I placed it in My Five Favourite Christmas Specials and a year later I put it high on My Ten Favourite Movies Filmed in Toronto list. I continue to enjoy that film each December, posting a clip from the movie last December and borrowing a quote for my blog header.
Bob Clark created a true classic that's both funny and endearing. A dare you to name a better Christmas movie.
The next Bob Clark movie I saw was "Porky's", which he made in 1982. As I recently confessed, I really enjoyed "Porky's". As a thirteen year old, there was nothing better than City-TV airing uncensored "Porky's" on a Friday night.
I once read an article that suggested the boys from "A Christmas Story" would grow up to become the teenagers in "Porky's". I could definitely see that. "Porky's" isn't just about gawking at nude females, it's about coming of age.
The last Bob Clark movie I saw was "The Karate Dog", which I reviewed last month. It was horrible without a stitch of what made "Porky's" likable and "A Christmas Story" charming. It was the new Bob Clark, the Bob Clark who made "Baby Geniuses" and "SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2". It was the Bob Clark who sold out.
Three very different movies and three very different memories. I'll remember him fondly for the first two and I'll forgive him for the latter.