They launched http://www.flickoff.org yesterday, with the backing of the Ontario government, environmental organizations, Virgin Mobile and MuchMusic. Environment Minister Laurel Broten and British billionaire Richard Branson launched the campaign aimed at encouraging people to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

It's sort of tough to discuss the controversy this campaign is causing without showing you first the font they used. As you can see, it intentionally looks like "Fuck Off". The site also uses such phrases as "Go flick yourself," and "Are we flicked?" On the homepage, a call to action says: "We need you to FLICK OFF, and tell everyone you know to FLICK OFF. The more you do it, the cooler it gets. The planet, that is."
I'm not offended by this campaign. In fact, I dig it. It's kinda neat in an "FCUK" sort of way. At the very least it's got us talking about it and will appeal to the younger crowd it's aimed at.
Every kid who will be exposed to this campaign has seen and heard the F bomb many, many times. I've watched episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm with the kids around and they know there are just some words you don't repeat because they will offend some people. It's time we give our kids some credit and trust them to know the difference between vulgarity and this humourous approach to helping them reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Grow the flick up and take a flickin' chill pill. It's no worse than shiatsu for your shitz tsu.