CHCH, the Hamilton station we watched on channel 11, didn't supply us with a wealth of great television, but they did give us The Hilarious House of Frightenstein.
The Hilarious House of Frightenstein starred Billy Van who played most of the characters. Vincent Price would narrate parts, including the opening sequence you'll see below. A fan has put together a great list of the characters we knew and loved, including Grizelda, The Ghastly Gourmet, The Wolfman and Bwana Clyde Batty.
Another lovely day begins, for ghosts and ghouls with greenish skin. So close your eyes, and you will find that you've arrived in Frightenstein. Perhaps the Count will find a way to make his monster live today. For if he solves this monster-mania, he can return to Transylvania. So welcome to where the sun won't shine, to the castle of Count Frightenstein!