The reason I refer to American Idol as my guilty pleasure is because I feel guilty watching such cheese. As cheesy as AI is, nothing is as cheesy as the crap they throw at you during the results show.
I missed Wednesday night's results show because I was at the Raptors game, but I heard about the Ford commercial that had the contestants singing Modest Mouse's "Float On". Here's a hilarious write up about the bit.
Last night, however, a line was crossed when Ford Motors sponsored a commercial featuring the finalists' douche-chill-inducing Kids Incorporated-inspired music video rendition of Modest Mouse's hit song "Float On", featuring Zombie dances and trashy convertible Mustang 5.0's that are orange. Now, I realize that this song - and the album from whence it came - outgrew Modest Mouse's long-held punk rock ethos long ago, but this - this was like the modern musical equivalent of the Kennedy Assassination, Watergate and and Jack Nicholson getting killed at the end of Easy Rider, all happening in front of us, at the same time, set to the soundtrack of Avril Lavigne covering ABBA's "Dancing Queen". In short, sensory rape.
Here's the sensory rape. Lord, it's bad. Consider yourself warned...