It's warming up outside, so I took a stroll to Yonge and Dundas. Passing 333 Yonge, home to HMV, I thought about Kish.
Kish was a local rapper who hit the charts back in '91 with I Rhyme the World in 80 Days. According to his Wikipedia page his real name is Andrew Kishino, but there's no info on what he's up to these days.
I actually bought his album Order From Chaos and thought it was pretty good, but teenagers are notorious for having bad taste. The reason that HMV reminds me of Kish is because I once saw him there when I was checking out new hip-hop in the basement. He had a large guy with him who may have been a bodyguard and I remember thinking that Kish probably didn't need a body guard while shopping for CDs at HMV.
I'll bet he doesn't have that body guard today. Andrew Kishino, if you're out there, let us know where you're at. I'm goin hypa.