When people first discover Saint Ralph, there are typically two reactions. For starters, they're surprised by how charmed they were by this little Canadian flick. The acting is good, the story sweet and the conclusion fulfilling. Then, they seek a copy of the Hallelujah cover that plays at the conclusion of the big race. Many of those people end up on this page.
The singer of this cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah is Gord Downie from The Tragically Hip. If you're new to this site, I have an entire section devoted to the song. I've heard two different people tell me of the magic in the room when Gord recorded it. Here's one account.
I attended a show with the film's director, and he said that Downie was watching the film as he recorded his cover of Hallelujah. If you listen carefully, you can hear his voice hitch when Ralph is running the marathon. Apparently he had tears streaming down his face as he sang.
Andrew Lockington told me something similar. Here's what he wrote me recently.
The vocal take used in the film was truly magical. We were all so moved while Gord was singing this take (including Gord). I think it really shows through.
I've written about this song that plays during Ralph's miracle marathon so many times, but I've never shown it. It's time you see for yourself. I must warn you, if you plan on seeing Saint Ralph, and you really should, viewing this clip will spoil things for you.
It still gives me goosebumps.