Last spring I wrote a little love letter to the TTC. Although I was gushing at the time, I gave the TTC some much deserved lumps with regards to their website.
Finally, if you want to see how out of touch TTC marketing is in this new age of viral communique, one needs to look no further than their official web site. It's one of the worst commercial sites I've ever come across and a complete embarrassment. If you're interested in a challenge, try and learn from ttc.ca what a single adult fare would cost you today. Good luck! The official TTC site looks especially horrible when compared to Transit Toronto, a fan site that's vastly superior to the TTC sanctioned site.
TTC.ca is unusable. It was horrible then and it's horrible now. Both Torontoist and BlogTO have entries this afternoon about how Adam Giambrone is interested in hearing how local bloggers would improve the TTC's site. As the new Commissioner of the Toronto Transit Commission, he might just be able to give us TTC riders what we deserve... a new TTC.ca that works.
This makes so much sense I can't believe it's actually happening.