Back in June I wrote about Sophie's response to my Hallelujah hunt. I finally had an MP3 of this elusive Gord Downie cover of Leonard Cohen's classic that was heard during the sweet Canadian flick "Saint Ralph". I had the MP3 and I wanted to share it with other Hallelujah hunters.
My offer was simple. Leave a comment requesting the MP3 and I'll email it to you. As of this moment, 108 people have taken me up on that offer and many others defied my orders and wrote me directly requesting the file. Replying to these requests has become a daily ritual of mine.
At 108 comments, that's my second most commented on entry next to "Humble Howard, Are You Okay?" which currently tips the scales at 393 comments. Had I not set Humble up with his own blog that figure could have easily doubled by now.
Reading the comments on the Homemade Hallelujah page reassures me that I wasn't alone in being haunted by that song. There are many on a hunt similar to mine. Paul wrote a comment that shed a little light on why we're all so frustrated by this.
My story is similar to yours looking for a copy of the song (not as exhaustive), a friend of mine works for Alliance Atlantis and I asked him about a soundtrack. He said (last summer) that they were trying to put it together but were having licensing issues and then interest kind of died out.
When was the last time a movie was released with great tunes but no soundtrack. Only in Canada...