I saw the Stereophonics at Edgefest back in 2003 when we were supposedly saying goodbye to Molson Park. In that entry I noted that The Stereophonics used to be called Tragic Love Company, partly because of their fondness for our very own Tragically Hip, one of their favourite bands. The Hip, it seems, played a role in the band member's recent recociliation.
This article explains that ex-Stereophonics drummer Stuart Cable and lead singer Kelly Jones have reconciled after not speaking for three years. The reconciliation took place over friendly pints of Guinness in a London pub, but that's only after they bumped into each other at a Tragically Hip show. In Cable's words:
We went to watch a band called The Tragically Hip and just had a bit of a chat and drink and got a few things off our chests. He was standing behind me in the toilets and I turned around and saw him and made a silly comment about something he was wearing and he made a silly comment and that was just it.
Everything seems to be OK. We've texted each other a few times since. I wouldn't say we're back to where we were - friends like before. There's a lot of water under the bridge but I apologised for a few things and he apologised for a few things. I think he's mellowed with age and being a father.
Time heals all these things.
Cable and Jones owe Gord and the boys a pint or two.