Periodically I'll play kid-friendly songs on the PC for my four and one year olds. They have their favourites, but I'm always trying to expand their horizons. They seem to like The White Stripes "We're Going To Be Friends" and Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" and they've always liked Hot Hot Heat's "Goodnight Goodnight" and The Killers' "All These Things That I've Done", but recently I made the mistake of playing Aqua's "Barbie Girl" for Michelle. This was a huge miscalculation on my part and there's no undo button.
Every hour on the hour Michelle's likely to ask for the Barbie song. Because she's so darn cute and she asks so sweetly, I can't say no. I'll search iTunes for barbie and play that horribly annoying song. As soon as it's done, she's asking for more. There's only so much Aqua I can handle.
The pathetic thing is, while she's dancing and singing along, having a blast, the song almost starts to sound good. Almost.