As I mentioned last week, I'm lucky enough to live in a riding that will be going to the polls in a couple of weeks to elect a new MPP. This has brought out the sign people.
They come out every time there's an election, either Federally, Provincially or Municipally. The sign people come to your door and ask you if it's okay to put a sign on your property promoting their candidate. An NDP sign guy just rang the door bell. The PC sign guy was by on the weekend. It's sign people season.
When I first became a home owner, about five years ago, I made a decision that nobody would get free ad space on my property, even if I supported the candidate. Sure, if my brother or a good buddy was running I might make an exception, but otherwise my standard answer is "no". I just don't do the sign thing.
I always laugh at the people who say yes to every sign guy who comes to their door. They've got the PC candidate, the NDP candidate, the Liberal candidate and the Pot Party candidate's signs on their lawns. Either they're undecided or they're easy. I suspect they just don't care. I care, and that's why I just say no.