Every Monday I shuffle my entire MP3 collection in iTunes and list the first ten songs that play. Here are the ten tunes I heard today with a personal story about one of them.
- I'm Still Your Fag - Broken Social Scene
- Ask Me No Questions - B. B. King
- Everybody Hurts - R.E.M.
- Broken Box - Queens of the Stone Age
- Kill - Jimmy Eat World
- Agoraphobia - Incubus
- High On A Mountain Top - Lorretta Lynn
- Ride Across The River - Dire Straits
- People Are People - Depeche Mode
- What's My Age Again? - Blink 182
I'm not really a Loretta Lynn kind of guy, but when I learned her latest album was produced by Jack White, I added it to my collection. White actually wrote one tune on Van Lear Rose, entiteld "Little Red Shoes", and it's pretty cool. His voice is all over "This Old House" and "Portland Oregon" is a bonafide duet. As an album, it's very White Stripish and probably the coolest country album I've ever heard.
The song that played during this shuffle, "High On A Mountain Top", actually plays all the time on CFNY Edge 102, our local "new rock" station. They've taken a ten second sample that they play all the time coming out of commercials on their morning show. If you've been digging that sample and wondering where the hell it was from, wonder no more.