How can it be that my little girl turns two years old today. I remember watching her birth so recently. I remember those exciting days when she started to walk, began to talk and actually grew hair. She started off so small, a little lump you could literally hold in the palm of your hand. Her growth was so gradual, I hardly realized the transformation until I revisited those precious photos I took of her first months on this earth. Today, my Michelle is two, whether I believe it or not.

This was Michelle on July 29, 2004. Throughout your life, there are days that you never forget. Some are bad, some are good. This was a very good day that I can recount with delicate precision as if it was yesterday.
Here's a crash course on what transpired during those crazy beautiful days in July 2004.
- There are warning signs... "Michelle may be closer to joining the party than we think." - July 27, 2004 / 10:30
- "At this moment, Kara is in labour and about to give birth to my nephew." - July 28, 2004 / 11:30
- "Taryn's contractions are only seven minutes apart right now so if this keeps up we'll be heading to the hospital." - July 28, 2004 / 22:03
- "At 12:55 this morning, Taryn gave birth to a beautiful baby girl we've named Michelle." - July 29, 2004 / 04:16
- How it all went down. "I got to cut the cord." - July 29, 2004 / 12:01
- "What were the odds Ryan and I would have children born on the exact same day?" - July 29, 2004 / 19:31
- My Cinderella Story... "I'm rooting for this flick to be great. Not just because it's being filmed in my fair city, but because it brought me back to 1935 in the wee hours following the birth of my daughter." - July 30, 2004 / 21:09
- Happy Birthday Mom, "we hope you're satisfied with the gift of two new grandchildren." - July 31, 2004 / 09:18

This is Michelle days after her first birthday. She was always ahead of the curve. Referencing this update, I can tell you she was walking and talking, well on her way to becoming an actual person. In the weeks before her first birthday, she even grew some hair.
In the coming months she'd start questioning things, taught me a thing or two and forced me to look up the meaning of the word "joy". It was a very good year, full of exciting milestones and without a single dull moment.

This is Michelle last weekend. Today, she's an energetic, courageous little spark plug. When we go to the park, she heads straight for the big slide and doesn't need any help climbing up or sliding down. She strings together complete sentences and can converse on the phone. She has a great sense of humour, loves life and her big brother who's always looking out for her. In a word, she's amazing.
And now she's two. Happy Birthday sweetie. Thank you for curing all that ails with a flash of those big blue eyes, a big hug and a kiss. Daddy's very proud of his little girl. Daddy's very lucky.